Regulations (IMDG)
Here you will find the codes related to transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea!
The IMDG-code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) is IMO's international code for transport of packaged Dangerous Goods by Sea. The IMDG-code consists, among others, of the following parts:
General provisions, definitions, training
Packing and tank provisions
Consignment procedures
Construction and testing of packagings, IBC's, large packagings, portable tanks and road tank vehicles
Transport operations
If you wish further assistance or have other questions, feel free to contact our expert on Dangerous Goods:
Helen Wahlstedt
The IMDG-code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) is IMO's international code for transport of packaged Dangerous Goods by Sea. The IMDG-code consists, among others, of the following parts:
General provisions, definitions, training
Packing and tank provisions
Consignment procedures
Construction and testing of packagings, IBC's, large packagings, portable tanks and road tank vehicles
Transport operations
If you wish further assistance or have other questions, feel free to contact our expert on Dangerous Goods:
Helen Wahlstedt
6 Products
Unitprice with VAT

Product Number IMO200-22
In stock
2 528,00
Unitprice with VAT

Product Number IMO200-24
In stock
3 233,00
Unitprice with VAT

Product Number IMO210-24
In stock
1 620,00
Unitprice with VAT