British Admiralty
For safe navigation commercial vessels are using log books, tidewater tables, Sailing directions, pilot books and regulations.
The one of the most important publication for the mariners is SOLAS (Saftey Of Life At Sea) which is supplied by IMO (International Maritime Organisation). IMO have many important publications except SOLAS where several are mandatory to keep onboard.
We have also publications in stock from The Nautical Institute, US Coast Guard, Brown Son & Ferguson, Ocimf, ITU and many more.
Contact Nautic-Center for more information.
The one of the most important publication for the mariners is SOLAS (Saftey Of Life At Sea) which is supplied by IMO (International Maritime Organisation). IMO have many important publications except SOLAS where several are mandatory to keep onboard.
We have also publications in stock from The Nautical Institute, US Coast Guard, Brown Son & Ferguson, Ocimf, ITU and many more.
Contact Nautic-Center for more information.
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Product Number NP082
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